The Favorite List #2

My last few posts have been a bit too wordy.. something I try to never do but there is just too much going on right now and when I get to typing I can't seem to stop. Contrary to my last post..I did not go home. I am still in the Garden State and have been to the airport twice only to have spent hours there with D and then being told that your flight will not be leaving today afterall. Finally we decided to give up our seat and just book a new flight. So now, fingers crossed hopefully I will leave Sunday morning. To make me feel a bit better about how things turned out I thought what better way than to share with you some of my favorite things! When you have a baby you want to buy every cute thing you see and surprise surprise the baby isn't impressed. He is more interested in his own fingers then anything we have bought him..and when he gets tired of those he attacks our fingers. But that doesn't mean I don't look at every toy, stuffed animal, cute outfit and imagine...