
Showing posts with the label halloween

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Everyone.. ours was a rocky one with a few highs and a ton of lows.. we started Halloween on Friday with a parade in D's school. D was so excited.. H on the other hand has been teething, he's getting his molars and has been super clingy, lots of crying and screaming and not much fun :(  H wore his costume just long enough for us to get a picture on Friday..  We started Halloween day with some baking.. with the sleep deprivation, cranky H and the endless questions hurled at by by D the cookies didn't turn out quite right. I missed something and the cookies were not quite edible.. trust me, we tried.  Next M helped the boys carve our first ever pumpkin!  We headed out for trick or treating late in the afternoon, D excited H sans costume clinging to me. By the time we were done it was dark, we had accumulated a years worth of candy and we ready for November. In fact we almost forgot to take a picture!


This was D's fourth Halloween.. he was just a wee little thing on his first, his second was cancelled due to a freak snow storm knocking out all power, his third was celebrated sometime in November thanks to Superstorm Sandy and no one exactly dressed up.. but it was the day he discovered candy! I wanted to make this year special.. not sure if he really understood the question of 'What do you want to be for Halloween?' I decided to keep it simple and go with his favorite cartoon character.. MICKEY MOUSE! I didn't want to spend a lot of money in case Mother Nature started pms-ing again. So we hit the Dollar Store. It cost me under $15 to put the three costumes together. Bear ears and tail turned into Mickey ears and tail with black fabric bought at Hobby Lobby. He already had a black shirt and red pants.. I added big felt circles to his pants to make the buttons. It was cold outside so he wore his mittens and his tuxedo jacket..  I am the worst with a nee


Lately.. -life has been crazy busy yet uneventful. M got a new job so his hours have been a bit long.. and his absence make us seem incomplete.. plus it makes him more tired and and give this pregnant woman no time to relax. So I snuck in a morning massage after dropping D off at school. And the thing I realized, I can not shut off my brain. The whole hour I tried to empty my mind and stop thinking but I couldn't, then I started to think about how I couldn't stop thinking! I this a girl thing or an A type personality crazy person thing? -my dishwasher has been broken for over a month now.. and my wonderfully incompetent tech first ordered the wrong part and now they say the part aren't available.. at all! Guess we have to buy a new one.. but the space under our counter is smaller than average so that limits our choices.. :( dish washing is not good for my back. -i have successfully and uneventfully  (thank god) made it to my third trimester.. wohoo.. but also sca