A Quick Canadian Getaway (part one)

In mid April the kids had two days off school and we all needed a little break so on Friday afternoon we hopped into the car and headed to Canada. 

We drove straight through with minimum breaks and crossed the Canadian border just after 8pm. Our first stop was Quebec City. Another two hours we were pulling up to the hotel, Fairmont Le Château Frontenac. We were relieved to be out of the car.. we checked in and quickly fell into bed. 

This was our second time visiting Quebec City.. you can read about the first time here and we looked like this..

The goal of this little trip was to not have a goal.. to just roam and eat and enjoy. And so we did. We started off with breakfast at Les Trois Garcons.

and then as planned we wandered, stepped into shops and reminisced how teeny tiny D was the last time we were here..

and then we smelled the most delicious smell. POPCORN

We stepped into the wondrous Mary's Popcorn. So many yummy smells, so many different flavors. We ended up leaving with a bag to eat for now and two bags to take home. 


check out this funny little dude

Here's a little now and then for you.. 13 years apart.

Plus two

M and I stopped for some coffee and H tried a maple sugar candy from a sugar shack.. the process was cool - video here the candy itself was way tooooo sweet. 

There were bouts of drizzling and it was a cool day.. we were getting hungry so we stopped by at Le Chic Shack. We ordered some really top notch chicken burgers and a poutine, because well how could we not.

I apologize to all Canadians, but the poutine was a miss. M and I had had it before so we already knew we were not fans but we wanted to the kids to formulate their own opinions.. well it was a massive thumbs down from them.

We walked to the fortifications.. the windy was picking up now.. and then stopped for coffee and sweets before heading back to the hotel.   

The famous Château Frontenac behind us. The impressive Château Frontenac is Québec City's most famous landmark. The luxurious hotel perched atop Cape Diamond since the late 19th century was designed to convey prestige in keeping with its Old Québec surroundings. It hosted the two Québec Conference (August 1943) and (September 1944) at which the Allies discussed Second World War strategies. Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Queen Elizabeth II have resided at the hotel. And it holds the Guinness World Record for being the "most photographed hotel in the world". In 1952, the Château Frontenac was transformed into a movie set for the Alfred Hitchcock's movie, I Confess.

We decided to take a break before dinner.. I took a nap while the boys went to the pool. 

While I was under the assumption that this was off season and I needn't worry about dinner reservations I was proven wrong. We called numerous restaurants but there was no availability anywhere.. it was the 45 min wait at lunch for burgers that had thrown me off. Finally we found a Portuguese restaurant that was able to fit us in. 

On our walk back to the hotel we stopped at Chocolats Flavoris.. a soft serve ice cream shop that then dipped the cone in hard chocolate.. oh my.. so good. 

The next morning we had breakfast at La Buche (the service here was amazing) before checking out and heading to our next destination. 
I thought I'd be able to fit our whole four day trip into one post but I think it's starting to run a little long so I'll split the next few days into another post. Thanks for stopping by. 

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  1. Lovely to see you all with your wonderful smiling faces.
    Love the 11 years difference, you both look the same, haven't aged at all!

  2. Sounds like a fantastic getaway and oh my, that food!
    I agree with Margaret that you two still look the same. Not your little boy, though :-) xxx

  3. I love impromptu trips, not having a specific goal in mind often means you discover all kinds of hidden gems :)

  4. Love Quebec City. Great photos!

  5. Quebec City--jealous! It's on my bucket list.

  6. I love Quebec City! Glad you had so much fun there. Just as well that you don't like poutine -- it's a heart attack on a plate!

  7. Looks like you all enjoyed the trip. I can't get over the size of that omelet.

  8. Anonymous5/06/2024

    I need to head back to Canada. Great photos my friend. Hugs.

  9. I've never been to Canada, but would love to visit someday (any part....east to west!). Y'all still look just as young, even though 13 years have gone by!

  10. Looks like you all had such a wonderful time! The food looks delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love trips like this, with no set schedule or plan. Just a relaxing getaway and wandering at leisure. How is it you and your husband have barely aged in 13 years?! :)

  12. That sounds like such a great start to your trip. I haven't been back to Quebec since my youngest was a literal baby-- so 16 years ago! I enjoyed the area tremendously though and wished we had thought to stay at the Frontenac but I had never seen it before that trip.

  13. I so enjoyed seeing all of the photos from your delicious Canadian adventure. The popcorn really does sound wonderful, I wish I was snacking on some right now!!

  14. I enjoyed this.. how fun to go back.
    You all look so happy, I just love that about your family, those big smiles.

  15. Great pictures! That food looks so delicious!

  16. I would like to visit Canada, not going to happen like your photos

  17. Your family photos are a joy. As a Canadian I laughed out loud about the "massive thumbs down'" regarding the poutine. Your children have discerning tastes. :)

  18. It's been so long since I've been to QUebec City! It's still as beautiful as I remember. TOo bad though you guys didn't like poutine...LOL

  19. You guys always have great food! Quebec is somewhere I would like to visit. I have only been to Niagara Falls and Vancouver (briefly before I boarded my cruise). The pictures are all amazing.

  20. What a fun time your beautiful family had together enjoying Quebec City along with all the delicious foods ~ great photos too ! thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. jodie filogomo5/06/2024

    I love how you just get up and head out like this. That hotel looks so impressive.

  22. I want to go with you on these adventures. :D Be well, my dear.

  23. Looks like such a nice trip. All of the foods look so good. You have a beautiful family.

  24. That looks like a great trip. Surprising that dinner was hard to find.

  25. As always you look very happy. I love that you travel so much and look forward to the next post.

  26. A wonderful family vacation filled with sights and food - it was a pleasure to walk with you through the city.

  27. What a fun trip! And of course you all find the most yummy food. I love that you travel with your family so much!


  28. It looks like you had a nice time in Canada, and the food looks delicious! I haven't tried poutine before, so I'm curious what I would think of it. I'm looking forward to seeing the next part of your trip!

  29. Congrats on taking a trip that looks like nothing but fun and good food!

  30. It looks like a great place to visit, we have not been there. It looks like it has been awhile since you were last there :) So fun to go back when the kids are older.

  31. Looks like you had a lovely time. I've always wanted to go there.

  32. How fun! It's been much too long since our last trip to Quebec City.

  33. It looks like such a fun trip! And all those pictures of that food is making me hungry! :D

  34. So many wonderful foods on your trip to Canada. The popcorn shop is delightful. Would have loved to browse in there for awhile, as I'm a popcorn lover. Cute picture of your son and the moose, and I like your sweater. Looks like a fun time for all in Canada.


  35. It looks like such a fun trip! All the food looks so yummy!

  36. Anonymous5/07/2024

    What a fun trip! I've flown into Canada, but that is about it. I'd love to go there someday to visit. My brother travels there for work a lot, I need to tag along sometime. Oh, the food! That one breakfast crepe (I think that is what it is) looks so delicious. Love how you have before photos of an earlier trip there too!


  37. I love Quebec City and hope to get back there one day. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  38. Looks like you all had such a wonderful time! The food looks delicious. Canada has been on my bucket list for a very long time. My sister lives in Vancouver, but the thought of the long flight hours and layovers makes me hesitant. Nonetheless, seeing your photos of Quebec City has reignited my desire to visit. It seems like such a charming place with so much history and culture to explore.

  39. What a fun getaway. It's so cool to just hop in your car and drive to Canada. I know i can do that too but have only flown there. All of the food and architecture looks amazing. Love the side by side shots of the last time you were there.

  40. you reminded me that I want to go there!! I haven't been, we had a trip lined up but then covid happened and it was all canceled. Lovely photos!

  41. I'd love to visit Quebec City! What a lovely building!

  42. Your family eats better while traveling than anybody I know. I have never had poutine and I don't think I would like it. If I ever get a chance to try I'll see for myself.

  43. I've always wanted to visit Quebec. Your photos are beautiful!

  44. I think poutine can be a miss depending on where you get it. I'm from Toronto (still live here) and there are a few places here that make incredible tasting poutine. I do think, in general, that it can be an acquired taste LOL. I love how familiar your trip feels (as QC is only a few hours away) and I'm so glad you all were able to enjoy it. I really loved your then and now experience :)

  45. First of all, thAnks for visiting my blog, nice to meet you! Your trip to Canada looks wonderful, how lovely to have an adventure there. You have a lovely family! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  46. Great photographs, it looks like you all enjoyed the trip.

    All the best Jan

  47. Looks like a great trip with yumm food

  48. Quebec City seems amazing! But I am fairly certain I wouldn't be a fan of poutine either!

  49. I love Quebec City so it is a delight to read your post, see the photos (which bring back lovely memories) and think about a return. What a great getaway. I'll be eager for part 2!

  50. Wow, looks like such a delicious trip! I'm Canadian but have sadly never been to Quebec City. I definitely need to - if just for that amazing looking chicken burger!!

  51. Quebec City does seem like such a fun place to visit. And so much delicious food!

  52. Anonymous5/15/2024

    I would so love to visit Quebec one day! The buildings look so marvellous. And your breakfast dishes look the bomb:=)

  53. This looks like such a wonderful trip with tons of delicious looking food! I need to visit Quebec sometime! Thanks for sharing all of this, can't wait to check out the rest of the trip!
    Lisa Loves Literature


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