
Where do I even begin?

Hope you all had a wonderful summer. And while we had a very rocky start to ours we were able to end it on a high note.

Let's start with D. Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. They have helped immensely. While D had shown improvement compared to the early weeks of his diagnosis the doctor was still concerned with the speed of progress. There are three areas of concern, health of cornea, murdering of parasite and lastly vision. The murdering of the parasite has been going well.. not dead yet. But the doctor was especially concerned with the health of his cornea. So, we had cut our trip a little short so he could have an outpatient procedure done (applying amniotic membrane to his cornea) to boost it's health before school started. Well, (and this is where all your thoughts and prayers come in) when we arrived for the appointment the doctor was shocked at the recovery he had made in the past 10 days. So much so that he said the procedure was not needed. 

The boys started school last week. It'll be good to get back to routines. 

And then before we know it we are headed to Spain for a destination wedding! 

But first I can't wait to tell you all about our trip to Italy.. honestly D's doctor joked it was all the gelato and pasta that healed his eye so quickly. lol. 

We started in Amalfi and made our way up to Milan. So stay tuned! 

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  1. So pleased to read an operation was not need for your son, slowly improving it seems. We wish him well.
    So you have been galivanting about once again - good on you all. Looking forward to seeing posts about it.

  2. How exactly does a parasite get in an eye? I'm so curious. But I am glad everything is going well.


  3. Oh I can't wait to hear about your trip but that is great news about D's recovery! I hope he continues surpassing the doctor's expectations. Wishing both your boys a wonderful new school year.

  4. Glad D's eye is doing so much better, that's good news indeed! Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Italy! I was there 16 years ago, but it just seems like yesterday.

  5. Such great news about your son’s eye! Wonderful!

  6. What a trip!
    Glad D is on the mend and they are back in school. Our grandkids are back, as well. Happy days!

  7. It's amazing how the body can heal itself.

  8. Every single morning I pray for D and his healing. May he have a full recovery and my your nerves and worries ease!!! Thanks for the update!!

  9. I'm so happy to hear D is on the mend and didn't need the procedure. I hope things continue to improve quickly. I can't wait to hear all about your trip to Italy. Sounds lovely.

  10. Happy to hear that D.'s eye problem is on the mend and that the planned procedure wasn't necessary! Can't wait to read about your travels! xxx

  11. I'm pleased with how well D is doing. I'll keep praying. I've been following your Insta posts about the Italy trip, so I look forward to getting details here!

  12. Hello! I am so happy D is continuing to heal!! Praying for him, and for you all. My dad was 50% Italian, and I cannot wait to hear about your trip!

  13. Hello, I am so happy regarding the GOOD NEWS about D!!!
    Looking forward to reading about all your travels.

  14. A lovely photo of your sons. So glad your son D’s eye is healing. That must have been very stressful for you all. Your doctor has an excellent humor, that must have helped a lot. How wonderful you went to Italy for a wedding.

  15. Very happy to hear D's doing so well. How nice to get a trip to Italy and Spain. Looking forward to reading about your travels.

  16. Praise God D didn't need the surgery, I am sure that was a huge relief. Great to hear that his eye is healing well. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Have a great week!

  17. Good to read his eye has healed nice and quick, I hope the boys like school and enjoy going as I know some children who do not like it and will not go making life difficult for their parents

  18. So excited to read the good news and no need for the procedure - what a blessing! Here's to a great school year....and yes a great trip to Spain! Will look forward to reading about Italy, too!

  19. I'm so happy to ready the good news of his eye. God bless!

  20. So happy to hear his eye is doing well! Do you know where or how he acquired the parasite?

  21. Best wishes and safe travels!

  22. That is such wonderful news, Hena!!!!! Yay for D:) And can't wait to read about your Italian trip.

  23. So glad D is on the mend. And starting 9th grade? Yikes. They grow so fast.

  24. So good to hear that he's improving!!

  25. That's fantastic news about your son's eye!
    Safe travels!

  26. Prayers answered and what a blessing to hear such great news!

  27. I'm so glad to hear that your son's healing is going much better than expected. I shall continue to send good thoughts and prayers for a quick and complete recovery.

  28. I am so happy to hear the good news! Enjoy Italy!

  29. That is such good news about D's eye. I hope the improvement and healing continue.

  30. That's the best news ever about D! And I'll eagerly look forward to your travel posts!

  31. So good to hear about the wonderful healing of his eye, prayers for continued healing. How wonderful that you were able to still go on all these vacations too. Hope the boys have a good school year!

  32. I'm so glad to hear that D's eye is doing better and that he didn't need that procedure. I'm praying for continued healing. I'm excited to hear about your trip!

  33. So glad to hear your son's eye is doing better! And already looking forward to hearing all about your trip to Italy!

  34. I'm so glad to hear that your son is on the road to recovery with his eye condition. That was a scary thing. Can't believe he's in 9th grade this year! Your trip to Italy sounds very nice. I look forward to hearing about it. I just said a prayer for your son today.


  35. Such great news about D's eye. May his journey to a complete recovery continue going smoothly.

  36. I'm so glad he is doing better! Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery!

  37. I am glad D seems healing faster than expected! Let's pray for a full recovery!

  38. Wonderful news about your son's better than expected improvement. Possibly prayers but also healing within a family network that continues to have adventures along the way and doesn't give into focusing solely on worst case scenarios.

  39. I am thrilled to hear that your son's eye is improving so dramatically - and look forward to hearing/seeing more about your travels.

  40. I hope the healing continues! Thoughts and prayers to him!

  41. Great news all around! Hope things continue to improve.

  42. It's good that the operation went well. Let's hope he recovers fully quickly.
    Your boys are already fifth and ninth grade! The kids grow up so quickly.

  43. What wonderful news! So glad things are getting better and please know I will continue to pray. I love all of Italy, but especially the Amalfi Coast, so will look forward to reading about your trip. We stayed in the loveliest hotel there called Hotel Santa Caterina, perched right into the rocks over the sea. I'd love to make a return trip!

  44. I'm so glad to hear about D's amazing progress! Wishing you a wonderful time in Spain and can't wait to hear about Italy!

  45. Sounds like a magical trip and I am so glad D is doing so well! He's pretty handsome with that patch over his eye. Like a pirate! Hahhaa! xoxo

  46. Anonymous9/11/2024

    Oh how scary, but it sounds like it is all going to be ok! Thank goodness!! Oh, man you have had some great trips lately!!! So fun!


  47. Glad he is healing so well! I hope it continues to go exactly as well or better! And I can't wait to hear about your trip to Italy. I hope they're having a good start to their school year as well.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  48. Anonymous9/11/2024

    Oh wow I am SO glad to hear that! All the pasta and gelato LOL. Glad you enjoyed yourselves and had happy moment to come home to!

    Allie of

  49. A parasite in the eye? That sounds awful, but I'm glad you son is healing well. Looking forward t your travel posts. My husband is Italian and we have been to Italy a few times. And Spain! Another beautiful destination.

  50. So glad to read the good news about your son's eye.

  51. Good to know D is doing well...sounds like you guys had a great trip :-)

  52. I'm so glad that he's on the mend! xxx

  53. So, so thankful to hear about the healing. I too would assume it was the gelato that did the trick, it's a cure for everything! But really, so happy to hear this news!

  54. So happy to hear the good news about D's eye! It's so stressful as a parent to have your child go through such an ordeal, and probably super scary for D as well so I'm sure that news brightened your spirits! Ooooh, a trip to Spain and Italy?!! Lucky you! I look forward to hearing more about it and seeing your lovely photos! Have a wonderful week!

  55. scary about the parasite but happy to hear he is on the mend and doing so much better. Glad you enjoyed your trip!!


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