Recent Reads

Legend by Marie Lu

Synopsis - What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors.
Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles.
Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.
From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths - until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect.
Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias's death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.

Thoughts - Okay, so let's start with the worst. If you remember, D read this one for his English assignment. In order to bond while reading we decided both of us would read it together. Which meant I had to force myself to finish it even when it was so predictable and just not good. It has great reviews on GR so it could just be me but I felt it was just a cheap knock off of all the other dystopian books out there. Sorry Marie Lu! 

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

Synopsis - What was it like? Living in that house.
Maggie Holt is used to such questions. Twenty-five years ago, she and her parents, Ewan and Jess, moved into Baneberry Hall, a rambling Victorian estate in the Vermont woods. They spent three weeks there before fleeing in the dead of night, an ordeal Ewan later recounted in a nonfiction book called House of Horrors. His tale of ghostly happenings and encounters with malevolent spirits became a worldwide phenomenon, rivaling The Amityville Horror in popularity—and skepticism.
Today, Maggie is a restorer of old homes and too young to remember any of the events mentioned in her father’s book. But she also doesn’t believe a word of it. Ghosts, after all, don’t exist. When Maggie inherits Baneberry Hall after her father’s death, she returns to renovate the place to prepare it for sale. But her homecoming is anything but warm. People from the past, chronicled in House of Horrors, lurk in the shadows. And locals aren’t thrilled that their small town has been made infamous thanks to Maggie’s father. Even more unnerving is Baneberry Hall itself—a place filled with relics from another era that hint at a history of dark deeds. As Maggie experiences strange occurrences straight out of her father’s book, she starts to believe that what he wrote was more fact than fiction.

Thoughts - This was my second Riley Sager book of the year. I'd say both were good. I may have liked this one a smidge better than The Last Time I Lied. I didn't see the twist in the end coming which is always a plus. It just didn't blow my socks off, which, of course every book can not do. It was a solid creepy thriller. But I may take a Riley Sager break for now.

Thank You for Listening by Julia Whelan

Synopsis - For Sewanee Chester, being an audiobook narrator is a long way from her old dreams, but the days of being a star on film sets are long behind her. She’s found success and satisfaction from the inside of a sound booth and it allows her to care for her beloved, ailing grandmother. When she arrives in Las Vegas last-minute for a book convention, Sewanee unexpectedly spends a whirlwind night with a charming stranger.
On her return home, Sewanee discovers one of the world’s most beloved romance novelists wanted her to perform her last book—with Brock McNight, the industry’s hottest, most secretive voice. Sewanee doesn’t buy what romance novels are selling—not after her own dreams were tragically cut short—and she stopped narrating them years ago. But her admiration of the late author, and the opportunity to get her grandmother more help, makes her decision for her.
As Sewanee begins work on the book, resurrecting her old romance pseudonym, she and Brock forge a real connection, hidden behind the comfort of anonymity. Soon, she is dreaming again, but secrets are revealed, and the realities of life come crashing down around her once more.
If she can learn to risk everything for desires she has long buried, she will discover a world of intimacy and acceptance she never believed would be hers.

Thoughts - I listened to this as an audiobook and the narrator is the author herself who unbeknownst to me, Julia Whelan is considered the Meryl Streep of audiobooks! This book was really good. As a new audiobook enthusiast I had no idea the amount of work that went to creating a perfectly narrated book. I connected with the characters.. I loved the banter between the two MC's and it was all just really well done. 

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

Synopsis - Reclusive Sally Diamond causes outrage by trying to incinerate her dead father. Now she’s the center of attention, not only from the hungry media and police detectives, but also a sinister voice from a past she does not remember. As she begins to discover the horrors of her early childhood, Sally steps into the world for the first time, making new friends, big decisions, and learning that people don’t always mean what they say.
But who is the man observing Sally from the other side of the world, and why does he call her Mary? And why does her new neighbor seem to be obsessed with her? Sally’s trust issues are about to be severely challenged…

Thoughts - Wow.. just wow! When I started this book.. the first few chapters in I had a feeling this was going to be another Eleanor Oliphant, And while I had enjoyed Eleanor Oliphant I am kind of over the trope. But this was not that. This was so much more than that.. This is not a light read. This deals with mental health, abusive relationships and many other horrific things that I can not mention without giving away the plot. But don't be afraid. If you are okay with reading more difficult subject matter then you must read this.. you will not regret it. 

Inheritance by Nora Roberts

Synopsis - 1806: Astrid Poole sits in her bridal clothes, overwhelmed with happiness. But before her marriage can be consummated, she is murdered, and the circle of gold torn from her finger. Her last words are a promise to Collin never to leave him…
Graphic designer Sonya MacTavish is stunned to learn that her late father had a twin he never knew about―and that her newly discovered uncle, Collin Poole, has left her almost everything he owned, including a majestic Victorian house on the Maine coast, which the will stipulates she must live in it for at least three years. Her engagement recently broken, she sets off to find out why the boys were separated at birth―and why it was all kept secret until a genealogy website brought it to light.
Trey, the young lawyer who greets her at the sprawling clifftop manor, notes Sonya’s unease―and acknowledges that yes, the place is haunted…but just a little. Sure enough, Sonya finds objects moved and music playing out of nowhere. She sees a painting by her father inexplicably hanging in her deceased uncle’s office, and a portrait of a woman named Astrid, whom the lawyer refers to as “the first lost bride.” It’s becoming clear that Sonya has inherited far more than a house. She has inherited a centuries-old curse, and a puzzle to be solved if there is any hope of breaking it…

Thoughts - I cannot believe I started another Nora Robert series. Usually I would see the name Nora Roberts and turn the other way but I am happy I overcame my judgyness and picked up her books. This was also my second haunted house book of the year and I hoped I wasn't over doing it. This was another incredible book. Incredible. Very different and more fun vibe than the Riley Sager one. I loved all the characters.. living and otherwise. Strong female characters, loveable men.. cute dogs. I highly recommend it. The only downside.. it's a trilogy and part two isn't out till November. 

The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd Robinson

Synopsis - Cornwall, 1730: A young girl known only as Red travels with her father making a living predicting fortunes using the ancient Cornish method of the Square of Sevens. Shortly before he dies, her father entrusts Red’s care to a gentleman scholar, along with a document containing the secret of the Square of Sevens technique.
Raised as a lady amidst the Georgian splendor of Bath, Red’s fortune-telling delights in high society. But she cannot ignore the questions that gnaw at her soul: who was her mother? How did she die? And who are the mysterious enemies her father was always terrified would find him?
The pursuit of these mysteries takes her from Cornwall and Bath to London and Devon, from the rough ribaldry of the Bartholomew Fair to the grand houses of two of the most powerful families in England. And while Red’s quest brings her the possibility of great reward, it also leads to grave danger.

Thoughts - More wow.. wow wow wow. This is my second Laura Shepherd Robinson book of the year. This one I had sitting on my bookshelf for over a year. It really didn't look all that riveting. I must stop judging books by their cover. I liked it a lot more than Daughters of the Night which was also pretty good. The story spanned over two decades and I was riveted by Red's story, her struggles.. I couldn't figure out how the story would end. How would Red get a happy ending without corrupting her own soul? It was quite a tale.. and I did not see that ending coming. So many fantastic twists and turns. The only problem was that it was almost 600 pages long... I understand the length was needed to tell the story well and without rushing.. but it was still quite long. 

Have you read any of these? 

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  1. I read and enjoyed Legend a long time ago. I never finished the series. I thought Home After Dark was better than The Last Time I Lied, too. I loved Thank You For Listening and Inheritance! Listened to both. I have the second Nora Roberts book through Netgalley, but won't be reading it until closer to the release date.

  2. Well you have been busy reading these books.

  3. Nooo I'm so sorry you didn't like Legend! It's one of my favorite series, though I did read it as a teen. I remember actually appreciating the political commentary in it. I'm not sure what I'll think of it if I ever get around to rereading it like I said I would. I did try a more recent dystopian series of hers this year (Skyhunter) and was unfortuately bored out of my mind with that one 😅

  4. Not read any of these but going to look up Inheritance and the The Square of Sevens as they both sound fab!

  5. I haven't read any of these books unfortunately, but your reviews are always welcomed

  6. Thank You for Listening is a book I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy. I had no idea the author is considered to be the best at reading audiobooks---so this is probably a book I should listen to!

  7. when I was newly minted with kids, I would read everything by Nora Roberts! Good times. I always like to see what you are reading.

  8. Thank You for Listening is already on my TBR. Whelan is such a talented narrator. I loved Nugent's Unraveling Oliver so I'm looking forward to picking up Strange Sally Diamond.

  9. I am intrigued by some of these books! I read my first Riley Sager book and liked it. It's not my typical genre (The Only One Left). I am adding the Nora Roberts book to my list and that 600 page one though it's a long one for me! I just listened to Tom Lake and it was read by actual Meryl Streep. It made the book so good!

  10. Thank you for sharing. I currently am reading, The Clinic by Cate Quinn.

  11. What a great list of recent reads! Home Before Dark has been on my list for a while. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  12. Ooooo....thanks for the heads up on that Liz Nugent book! And I read The House Across The Lake by Sager and must admit I did not like it. I should probably give this author another chance. And I just went on Goodreads to see what I rated Legend coz I honestly don't even remember it. I gave it 2.75 stars LOLZ

  13. I already had the last book tagged for my Libby wishlist, but you've convinced me to add two more. (the Nugent and the Whelan)

  14. I have read none of those but I'm tempted to take up one or two of them! I admire how many books you finish. And while I have no desire to read a Nora Roberts book, I'd like to be as successful as Nora Roberts, hahaha xoxo

  15. I want to do some reading this summer so I really loved these book reviews you so thoughtfully put together. I especially appreciated your honesty and helpful synopsis about each book.

  16. Thank you. I haven't come across any of these - and may have to track some of them down.

  17. I'm pretty sure I have Thank You For Listening on my Kindle and now I really want to read it! I'll also have to look for Inheritance; I find Nora Roberts books can be hit or miss for me but this one sounds intriguing (even though I do not usually like any books about ghosts/paranormal).

  18. I haven't read any of these, so thanks for sharing. I think Thank You For Listening is on my to-read list though, so will definitely get to that one.

  19. I'm assuming the first book is YA? I find that what that audience finds fresh can be things that those of us who have been on the planet for a bit longer don't. Only because they haven't had the reading experience they'll get as they get older. That's not a bad thing. And YA has some great stories. But I can see why it wouldn't wow you. Did it wow your son?

  20. You know I have never done an audio book I should try it. The Strange Sally Diamond sounds REALLY good it is my favorite cover of all the books listed here.

    Allie of

  21. Home Before Dark sounds intriguing!
    Happy Tuesday, Hena!

  22. All sound interesting if I can only find the time to read...Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!

  23. Wow...I'm impressed with all the books you've read and that you read one with D too - that's so fun! I enjoyed Eleanor O book so I'm intrigued by your review of Strange Sally Diamond. It sounds very dark though...! Happy reading to you, thanks for sharing all of your reviews.

  24. It's been a long time since I've read anything from Nora Roberts, but you've got me intrigued. I'm probably going to wait until the entire trilogy is released :)

    Have a great week!

  25. I haven't read any of these books but The Square of Sevens sounds quite compelling.

  26. I've been disappointed time and time again by books, so thanks for your reviews. Be well!

  27. The last book, The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd Robinson, is the one that appeals to me.

  28. Interesting books. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Of those, Home Before Dark sounds pretty good. We read a lot while on the road and I love good mysteries!

  30. I loved Legend, but didn't ever get around to reading the rest of the series, I need to do that. Thank You For Listening didn't work for me, even though I do love that narrator! It's interesting when people love things and then when you read them you don't feel the same way. Looks like some good books though! Have a great week!

  31. Anonymous6/18/2024

    I haven't heard of any of these, but this is why I love your book reviews. Going to add a couple to my reading list.


  32. The Square of Sevens sounds intriguing.

    All the best Jan

  33. These all sound like great reads. Thanks!

  34. Hello! Thank you so very much for this post! I am always looking for new books and authors to try. I appreciate your feelings and thoughts, because I think very highly of you and your opinions. I am reading We Were the Lucky Ones now. It is heart wrenching, difficult, and hard to put down. Have a cozy afternoon my friend!

  35. That is a great idea to read the same books your kids are reading and good for you to stick with it. I have only listened to one audio book, the one by Prince Harry and it was good to hear him speak the words.

  36. This is the second time I'm seeing a Riley Sager book today. It seems like I need to add this author to my list. I read Legend when it first came out and really enjoyed it, but I wonder if I would like as much it if I read it again now. My reading tastes have changed over the years.

  37. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Thank You For Listening, I've been meaning to try that one too. I also wasn't a fan of Legend when I read it a while back, so I never continued the series.

  38. I haven't read any of these and am going to add a few to my library list!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  39. Anonymous6/20/2024

    Adding a few to my list.

  40. Thank you for sharing your book reviews. I am looking for some reading inspiration and will add a few to my list!
    Julia x

  41. You have some good reads here!!

  42. The Square of Sevens looks so good!

  43. Not sure if my comment got eaten or what, but I LOVE Riley Sager. I recommend reading the rest since you liked the two you've read so far. The House Across the Lake and Lock Every Door were not as good in my opinion, but others really liked them. I feel like you can't really go wrong with Sager.

  44. I have not read any of these. Nora Roberts is on my TBR list, though. I have one of her books. :)

  45. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the book as much as you hoped. It happens sometimes with popular reads. Hopefully, your next pick will be more satisfying!

  46. thanks for the great book reviews!

  47. Sally Diamond and the Square of Sevens particularly interest me, Hena. Thanks for the intro!

  48. What an inspired list of books. I like that you read all kinds of different books. The Marie Lu sounded good until I read your review. I rarely read more than one book by the same author and don't often read similar story lines. That being said, I loved Eleanor Oliphant and will definitely check out Strange Lily Diamond. Pinned that one for consideration with my book club.

    I have begun reading with my ears more and more. Thank You for Listening sounds like a great listen. Pinned it, too. And will consider it for my book club's July consideration list.

    As far as judging a book by its cover, I do that all the time. It has to catch my eye. Either the cover art work or a catchy title. I would not look twice at the cover of The Square of Sevens. Ha!! But you make it sound very good. The length would intimidate me, though.

    Thank you for reviewing some excellent books. Can't wait to check them out further.

  49. I've read Final Girls by Riley Sager, and Home Before Dark is on my TBR. It's great to hear you thought it was good and you didn't expect the twist. I'm also intrigued by Thank You for Listening.


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