Montmorency Falls and Montreal

Did you know that just 15 minutes outside of Quebec City is a waterfall taller than Niagara Falls? I didn't either. But once I found out I knew we had to go. 

We drove to Montmorency Falls. There was a ticket to enter the falls. Once inside the visitor section we were offered a few ways to go up and down the falls.

We took the cable car to the manor (additional ticket),walked along the suspension bridge and then made our way down the red staircase and walked across the river to make our way back to the visitor center.

Across from where the picture is taken you can see the staircase we come down after crossing the suspension bridge.. they look scary but were thankfully sturdy.

Now on to Montreal. We stopped for burgers on the way to Montreal. Have you ever eaten St. Hubert's chicken burgers? Omg.. they were so good. 

When we got to Montreal our first stop was Mount Royal. We dro
ve up to the parking lot nearest Kondiaronk Belvedere and then walked the rest of the train to get a view of the city. Unfortunately it was a cold gray day and the view was just meh.

We finally got to the hotel. We stayed at Place D'Armes. It was just at the edge of Old Montreal and Downtown Montreal. We all took a break before heading out a again. We walked around Old Montreal for a bit before going to dinner.

Truth.. after visiting Old Quebec, Old Montreal was a major disappointment. Tacky touristy shops selling China goods. No cutsie shops to pop into. The Bonsecours Market, another tourist trap.
We had a lovely Italian dinner at Trattoria Gio and then we popped in next door at Mr. Puffs

The next day was another cold gray day. We started with walking to breakfast a few blocks away and just the wind in our face told us this was not going to be a strolling through the streets kind of day. So after breakfast we decided to explore by car. 

Google had informed me that Mile End, St. Denis Boulevard, St. Laurent Boulevard etc were all good places to explore. We thought we'd drive around and if we saw a cool area we'd park and explore. We found no cool areas. It was all drab and run down. If I apologize if any of you are Montreal natives but we were so disappointed. 

Now I was thinking of plan b and plan c. We stopped at La Fontaine park, there was a playground. The kids amused themselves while we went over our options. The Biodome, Botanical Gardens etc were all closed. 

The Montreal Science Center was open. Bingo. 

We ended the day with delish pizzas from Bevo. 

and so ends our quick trip to Canada. 

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  1. I had planned a tentative trip to Quebec City a couple of years ago so my Francophile daughter could practice her French language skills (then she decided to minor in French in college and knew she wanted to study in France so I shelved our plans to go to QC). I researched things to do and when I read about the falls just outside the city, I knew that I wanted to see them. Maybe someday! The food in Montreal all looks good and I´m glad you guys found something fun and educational to do indoors!

  2. It's a sham when we have expectations of certainly places above what they actually are in reality.
    The food looks ok, and the photos of you all are excellent. Always smiling beautifully.

    1. I agree with all the above. :D And as always, thanks for sharing as we seldom get out, let alone travel. lol Best wishes

  3. What a great experience! I always love finding waterfalls.

  4. It's been years since I've been to Montreal but I don't remember Old Montreal being a disappointment! Sucks now that it has changed.

    Curated by Jennifer

    1. Anonymous5/13/2024

      I agree with this. So sad.

  5. The falls are terrific. Shame about Montreal, though.

  6. That waterfall looks amazing! I went to Montreal with my mom and sister and we loved it! Those cute streets in old Montreal were fun to walk around.

  7. I've been to Montmorency Falls a couple of times over the years and yes, it just dwarfs Niagara in height. Very impressive. I agree with your assessment of Montreal's old town too -- Quebec City is much, much better. That was the case even 40 years ago, my only time in Montreal.

  8. I do like visiting Quebec!

  9. Love that falls area. Quebec City old town has Montreal beat by a mile…er…kilometre!

  10. We went to those falls on our Quebec trip too; they were neat to see. I have never been to Montreal though..

  11. Montmorency Falls look truly spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing and making me aware of its existence! xxx

  12. I've never made it to Quebec but my other visits to Canada were all fun.

  13. Your travels there really make me want to visit Montreal again!

  14. I had not heard of Montmorency Falls. That looks like it was worth it even if Montreal was not.

  15. It must have been amazing! I've been to Niagara a couple of times and loved them!
    Have a wonderful week,

  16. I love hands-on science museums like that. You always share wonderful food photos!

  17. I'd love to spend more time in Quebec.

  18. Those waterfalls look amazing. Montreal looks very grey and forbidding, unlike the lovely family standing in front of the camera!
    It's bedtime here but I could just eat that pizza! xxx

  19. It looks like a wonderful time! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos!

  20. Looks like a place I would love to visit but sadly never will, your photos are amazing

  21. Oh em gee! I've never been to that falls!!! Anyhoo, great pics as always:)

  22. Anonymous5/13/2024

    I have to say, it's absolutely lovely!

    It's clear you've put a lot of thought and care into crafting this piece.

    Looking forward to reading more from you in the future!


    Ferbena Fashion Blog

  23. Amazing place and all your photos are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures :)

  24. If only I didn't develop a fear of heights in my old age lol. Guess I can live vicariously through you :)

  25. TFS the great photos of your fun trip. It looks amazing!

  26. What a spectacular waterfall. It looks like you had an amazing time and all the food looks delicious.
    Julia x

  27. Wow! What adventures for you and your family ~ great places, good foods and wonderful photography ~ thanks, ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. I did not know they had such tall falls there, wow that is a lot of steps to take down. Sorry you were a bit disappointed with what there was to offer to see, it is a bummer when the merchandise all looks like it came from china. The science center looks like it was pretty neat though :)

  29. The waterfalls are pretty. And that pasta dish looks delicious. The pizza looks amazing too. Nothing like Italian food. I like that picture of your son at the Science Center. Sounds like a wonderful trip you had in Canada. Many movies are filmed in Canada because of their incredible landscapes.


  30. Montmorency Falls looks very impressive! I'm sorry Montreal was a bit disappointing, but good that you found something fun indoors to do and the food did look delicious.

  31. That looks like a fun trip and a cool place!! Now I want some pizza!

  32. I had never heard of Montmorency Falls. After this post it might end up on my bucket list. What a great place. You guys are so resilient and willing to change plans on a dime and that saved your trip. Also, you folks eat very well. And you take great photos of all the above.

  33. Anonymous5/14/2024

    Never heard of that waterfall, but WOW it is a beauty!


  34. I would love to get to Montreal again one day! Beautiful shots once again!

  35. I haven't been to Montreal since I was there on a school exchange in 1984 - I bet it's changed a lot! I have never heard of those falls, so thank you, Hema!

  36. I am terrible with heights but the waterfall looks marvellous. And that Italian dinner looks the business. one day I'd love to go to Canada!

  37. what a fun trip you had!! I love the waterfall photos!!

  38. I love to see waterfalls. Waterfalls feel so alive!

  39. That waterfall is beautiful, and the food looks delicious! :D

  40. The waterfall is amazing.

    All the best Jan

  41. Anonymous5/16/2024

    Thinking of you. Hope you have a great day.

  42. What a grand adventure. I have been to Quebec once...about a zillion years ago for Expo '67. Had no idea there was such an impressive waterfall there. Was born in Buffalo, so Niagra Falls were a favorite place to visit.
    Good grief that ravioli looks divine. Hope it was tasty. Glad the children's museum was open and a success.

  43. Montreal is in my bucket list. Looks amazing.

  44. That looks like a fun family outing and a very impressive waterfall! I remember visiting Montreal for a business convention years ago and really enjoying it.

  45. What an amazing waterfall! Looks like a fun outing.

  46. That's too bad about Montreal being disappointing. Apart from a fast overnight there (not in a part of town that had much to offer), I was only there as a child and memories are dim. But those falls look fantastic in every way.

  47. Anonymous5/19/2024

    What a lovely visit, it is a gorgeous area. -Christine

  48. The falls look impressive and the food looks delicious! Always love hitting the local science center. Usually a win with kids!

  49. Ugh what a relief that the science center was open! I hate it when a trip does not pan out the way you envisioned it. We've been in that situation a couple of times too. And wow that chicken burger thing! I want one!!!! You look so cute beside the falls! xoxo

  50. I've never been to any kind of waterfall, not even Niagara Falls. Now you make me think that I have to make that on a bucket list! And again, so much delicious looking food! Thank you so much for sharing this. I love seeing kids getting to travel and learn about places like this!
    Lisa Loves Literature


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